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Using EFT with Groups

Help! How do I run a group?

During your EFT training you almost certainly did some tapping in a group setting as well as watching demos of one to one EFT in action.
There are many reasons to set up an EFT group but the chances are you have more questions than answers such as:
  • How do I structure a group session?
  • What is the best way to ask people to introduce themselves?
  • Are there any useful ice-breaker exercises to ask people to do?
  • How do I keep everyone safe?
  • What if someone gets triggered?
  • What is the best way to do a demo?
  • How can I manage chatty and quiet people?
  • How much should I charge?
  • How will I promote my group?
  • What should I ask for before?
  • How can I follow up afterwards?
  • What presentation tools will I need?
Any many more questions besides …

After the workshop, you will feel confident how to:

  • Specify the target audience for the group
  • Set pricing, frequency, location
  • Attract participants
  • Ensure attendees are suitable & take registration information
  • Communicate pre and post-meeting information
  • Structure the group sessions, with a beginning, middle and closing plus any follow-up
  • Keep attendees safe
  • Maintain boundaries during and between meetings
  • Engage all members of the group

Forthcoming dates

Saturday 19th October from 10am to 1.30pm UK

Who is it for?

Anyone who has attended EFT training, in person or live on-line up to Level 2 (and if not certified, to be actively completing case studies and working towards becoming an EFT Intermediate Level Practitioner) who is eager to share EFT with a wider audience.


The cost is £53

What’s included:

  • A handout sent in advance which will be used for your notes during the session
  • A recording of the session
  • A copy of the slides
  • Access to a video showing how EFT can be used in a group setting


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Over the years I have run groups in many settings, including in-person courses and talks, during wellness retreats, and on-line, sometimes for up to 100 staff of a corporate customer. I have learned from every experience and now want to share that with you.

To discover more about my journey to EFT trainer, you can watch this interview with Imelda Riddell  Watch Here

An absolutely fantastic workshop! This workshop has really given me so much confidence in working with groups. From this I have facilitated a really successful session with 9 fantastic women learning some EFT fundamentals. My next workshop is fully booked and I will be working with smaller groups off the back of this. Thanks so much Mary-Jane, I'm feeling really inspired and loving creating a EFT community where I live.

Laura, Staffordshire

I loved the wealth of information!! The course covered so many topics; some I wasn't aware of and some hadn't even crossed my mind. I learnt so much and I'm very grateful.

Toni, Wales