As a trainer and supervisor of EFT practitioners, I encounter more doubt and uncertainty amongst practitioners when faced with cases involving trauma than anything else. Typical questions are:
- How do I know how fast to move?
- Which techniques are the most appropriate to use at different times?
- How can I ensure my client is safe and grounded?
- What do I do if they disassociate?
- How do I ensure that they don’t have an abreaction (and what should I do if they do?)
It is common for practitioners to feel afraid of making things worse, or to feel out of their depth.
This workshop is designed for EFT practitioners of all levels, from Level 2, through Level 3 to trainer, to ensure that you:
- Feel competent and prepared when working with both single event and chronic trauma
- Have a working knowledge of the nervous system, and can recognise which state your client may be in
- Can react accordingly with EFT and other techniques
- Are able to share your knowledge with clients, helping them to feel more empowered
- Understand the full range of EFT techniques available for working with trauma
- Are comfortable using future testing
You might be an experienced practitioner, wondering whether this workshop is suitable for you. If this sounds like you, consider how you might handle these situations:
- A client is trying to rush through traumatic events
- Your client is disassociated or avoidant
- They have strongly held beliefs formed from traumatic events
- All your best EFT techniques seem to be falling flat
The workshop will be delivered using a mix of
- Presentations on the different techniques
- Demonstrations
- Practice sessions
- Video review and analysis
- Small and whole group discussion